Monday, September 6, 2010

D-Day has come and gone!

Well as expected, our due date has passed and no sign of the little one. But little Gummy is letting us continue to do everything on our check list before joining us. Good kid! :)

Here are a few fun pictures from the past week.

Baby's room

We also got lucky enough to celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary up in Sonoma. Here are some pictures of our walk down memory lane.

Cornerstone Garden's (wedding location)

The Estate (rehearsal dinner)

Such a beautiful day up in Sonoma!

And finally, here is one last belly shot on our due date (September 5th). Yikes, it is big.

We have a DR appt on Wednesday and I am sure we will determine next steps from there. We will keep you all posted.

Happy Labor Day!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2 Weeks to Go!

So OBVIOUSLY I have been a little slow on the blog front. I am officially on maternity leave, so time to catch up and get ready for the arrival of Gummy.

So gee, a lot has happen over the past few months. 20th High School Reunion, 2 baby showers, Brad's birthday (with a fun night out to see Billy Idol). So far, Gummy has been a total trooper and let us enjoy our last few months of freedom. WOOHOO! I have included some recent photos of our adventures.

20th High School Reunion (July 30 - 31st)

San Jose Baby Shower (August 14th)

SF Baby Shower (August 15th)

Billy Idol Concert (August 17th)

Gummy is doing well. Still anticipating a 6lbs maybe 7lbs Gummy. I am NOT complaining about that. Just finalizing the baby room. Will try and post pictures this week.

Looking forward to sharing new photos soon.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We did it!

Well I am proud to say Gummy and I finish the Avon Breast Cancer walk with flying colors. Managed to strain my leg just a bit, but hey, what do you expect when you walk 40 miles and you are carrying around an extra person.

Here are some fun pictures from the weekend. Top picture is around mile 15 on Day 1 and bottom picture is at the finish line after mile 40. 

It was a very cool event and so nice to have a good friend along to get through some of those difficult moments. Thank you all for your support.

Next big adventure, my 20th High School Reunion. 2 weeks. Let's see how much bigger I can get.

More to come!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

8 months and counting

I am shocked we are days away from 32 weeks. I can't believe we will be meeting little gummy in just under 2 months. AMAZING. Lots to catch everyone up on, so let us begin.

Got another ultra sound at week 30. Here is the least creepy picture of the bunch. All looked good during the ultra sound, so all is good with the little one. Gummy is over 3 lbs, so they are thinking 7 - 8 lb baby. YIKES is about all I can say to that.

We spent the 4th of July at some friends house. As you can see, I for sure look prego. I will spare you all with the word one of my coworkers called me this week. Needless to say, I am going on a diet for the remainder of the pregnancy.

Also, this past week, Brad and I attended our labor classes. After hearing, watching and talking about labor for 6 hours, I am beyond overwhelmed and nervous. I asked Brad if we could back out now, the answer is NO. :( So needless to say, I will be having nightmares for the next 8 weeks. YIKES!

And to round out the week, this weekend is the big Avon Breast Cancer walk. I will be walking 39 miles this weekend in honor of 5 amazing ladies that have survived breast cancer. I will be walking with a dear friend who unfortunately lost her mother to this horrible disease some years back. I am excited and nervous for challenge that lies ahead. I honestly think running a marathon is going to be easier than walking 39 miles. I will report back with pictures in the coming week.

Well, I think that covers it. OH, we are official owners of an SUV! WOOHOO. The new family car should arrive in the coming weeks. I guess we are officially becoming a family. :) Mochi is very excited.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Sorry for the lack of updates for the past few weeks. Life has been a little busy and will continue to be insane for the next 18 years. :)

Lots of exciting stuff. Had the first Baby Shower with some college girlfriends. Thanks Leigh and Noel for such a wonderful event. My good friend from college, Erin, is about 1 month ahead of me. Here is a picture from our shower June 13th. Gummy got some good stuff!!

We took our first baby prep classes this week. Very cool and overwhelming all at once. Next classes will be child birth and then a tour of the hospital next week. Still a few months away, but the countdown is on. Doing more to the baby room, so hopefully more room pictures soon.

Here are a few belly shots, 27 weeks and 29 weeks. Gummy is very active and looking forward to the Avon Breast Cancer walk in few weeks.

Week 27

Week 29

Well, Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. Brad is getting ready for his first Father's Day next year!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Gummy's Room Starting To Take Shape

Happy Memorial Day! We decided to start to make some progress on Gummy's room. As we are about 6 1/2 months (26 weeks), we felt it was time to start preparing.

Here is a snapshot of the crib in the room. Still have a lot of work to do, but it is a starting point.

Also as promised, here is a picture of Brad and I from a Memorial Day party. As you can see, I am for sure looking prego.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

6 months and counting

Well, we are officially 6 months along. I am amazed as to how fast time if flying by. Definitely feel little Gummy moving a lot these days. Still not big enough to see hands or feet move over the belly yet, but I assume in a another month we will be there.

Had our monthly DR appt yesterday. Nothing exciting to update anyone on. Just waiting for the results from the diabetes test. Should hear early this week if we are in the clear. Also learned we will most likely not have any additional ultrasounds. So looks like our next viewing of Gummy will be in September. EXCITING!

Here is the latest belly shot. I am trying to get more pictures of Brad and I actually prego to share. Hope to get some over Labor Day weekend. I am sure you will all find them more exciting then looking at my bare belly.

Have a great week.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Almost 6 months

WOW, time is flying by. We are at 22 weeks. Crazy. All is good on our end. Gummy is much more active, moving around as I type. The scary part is, Gummy is now up with me during my 6:30 AM conference calls, so I am HOPING I am not teaching bad sleeping habits. That would NOT be good.

Nothing too exciting to report. Heading to the DR next week for the exciting diabetes test. Fingers crossed all goes will there.

Here is a picture of the growing bump. For sure looking more prego.

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's out there.

More updates soon.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Half way there!

Wow, not really sure where the last 20 weeks have gone. So that means the next 20 weeks will fly by and we will have a little baby for you all to meet.

Had a chance to talk to the DR about the double placenta situation. She does not seemed concerned about this at all and said they sometime see this post birth. So better they know about it now so we can anticipate both during the birth. They are going to continue to monitor it, but said it should not affect Gummy at all.

Here is another fun belly picture. Still growing. Gained about 8lbs to date, so not bad.

Hope everyone is getting some nice spring weather. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Big Ultrasound - Check!

Well we went this week to have the big mid-pregnancy ultrasound. They look at the organs, legs, face, etc to make sure the baby is OK and has no issues. From what we saw and what the technician told us, all seemed great with the baby. We both turned our heads when they determined the sex, so it still remains a mystery and will until September. :)

We did however find out some interesting news during the ultrasound as well. It seems that I have 2 placentas. This is not overly common, could have been caused from a twin that didn't make it early on, or sometimes the placenta has 2 lobes. Does not sound like a huge issue, just one more item for them to check of the list during the birth. The DR is going to monitor as we get closer to make sure all is OK. But sounds like no harm to little Gummy.

Here is an updated picture of the growing belly. I have another DR appt next week, so more updates then.

Happy almost Friday!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Almost halfway there!!

We are just around the corner from week 20. WOOHOO! We have a big couple weeks coming up. From our big ultrasound next week, to our first flight and to meeting the grandparents (the Yoder's), Gummy and crew will be on the move.

All is going well this week. The belly is for sure growing, but still waiting to really LOOOK pregnant.

Stop by next week when we will have MUCH better updates, hopefully new photos of Gummy and some good info from the DR after the ultrasound.

Happy Spring!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Woops!! Past 2 weeks have been VERY busy. Sorry for the missed post.

Nothing too exciting to report. Just cruising along. We have our big ultrasound in a few weeks. At that point they will check out all the organs and do some measurements. We will continue to avoid the sex of the baby. Hopefully we can get through that ultrasound without seeing anything to ruin the surprise. :)

Saw my DR last week. Heard the heart beat. All seems to be fine. Only gained about 4 lbs total in the past 4 months, so everyone is happy.

Here is the growing belly. It is growing for those who are not believers. Had to go up one pant size, so just about ready to retire my regular jeans. :(

Promise to be better next week. Happy Easter to all!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The calm before the storm

A little delayed this week with the post. WOOPS! We don't have too much to report this week. Still feeling great at week 15. We have our monthly doctor's appointment next week, so hopefully more exciting news in the coming weeks.

Here is a new picture of the growing belly. Had to by some jeans a size bigger. Not really ready for maternity clothes yet, but my jeans are starting to get a little tight.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Test Results - A+!

We got the CVS results back and looks like we have all the 46 chromosomes we need. No more, no less. So that is a huge relief. Looks like Baby Gummy passed its first test with flying colors. Now, the next few months are pretty much a waiting and growing game.

The good news is we are offically in week 14, the second trimester. This week Gummy is the size of an orange and me, well, picture is below.

More updates next week.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Week 13

Well, not much excitment to report this week. We are just waiting on the test results before we announce the big news to the world. :) So if you already know, you are part of an elite group. :)

Here is the belly update. Good news is, only gained 3 lbs from conception and doctor said that is great. So everyone is happy. :)

We will keep you posted on the results in the coming weeks.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cool picture of Baby Gummy

Just got back from the CVS and resting on the sofa. :) So far, so good. Now we just wait for results. We will updated you all in 2 weeks.

We did get lucky and get an amazing 3D image of Baby Gummy today. Little one is sucking its thumb. AMAZING what technology shows these days. Looks like a pretty cute kid so far (minus the large head) :)

Anyways, enjoy and more updates in the coming week.

CC and Brad

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Big Week for Gummy

Big milestones this week. We are offically into week 12. YEAH! Almost at the end of the first trimester. I must say, 3 months have FLOWN by.  We have 2 big appointments this week. First, back to our OB who we have not seen in 2 months. We have a list of questions and we are just excited to get her feedback on Gummy's progress. Second, we have the CVS. As I am over 35, genetic tests are mandatory, so we have our big one this week. We tried 2 weeks ago, but got denied. So hopefully all goes well on Thursday and we can get this test behind us. Test results take about 2 weeks, so I am sure we will all be a little on edge until those come back. We will keep you posted.

As for the growing belly, here you go. These have all been taken in the AM when the belly is not that big. Gummy is now the size of a large plum. Hope to get more ultrasound pictures on Thursday.

Wish us luck this week.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Growing Belly

When my friend Hilleri was pregnant she took weekly pictures of her growing belly. I thought it was such a cute way to see progress throughout her fun adventure. As we have so many family and friends that live far away, we thought this would be a fun idea!

Here is a picture of the belly at 11 weeks. Gummy is starting to take over some real estate in my belly. :)

Check back weekly for the growing belly and Gummy updates.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Baby Gummy's First Post

Its true! We are pregnant! When we first found out, we were told it was the size of a gummy bear - ever since we have called it "baby gummy" :) We are both very excited!!

On 2/12/2010 (around 10 1/2 weeks) we had our second ultrasound. Gummy is about the size of a lime now.

Here are some pictures and videos! So cool.

Kickin back:

View from above (I think) showing legs:

View showing the arms:

First video, moving around:

Second video - big stretch:

Third video - stretching and blowing bubbles:

Thats it for now!  New information coming soon!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our first post - say hi to Mochi!

Here is a cute picture of Mochi :)

More to come soon!